Job Seeker FAQs

Sometimes the same day you come in! We get new opportunities daily. Come in and apply! We’ll see if we have something that matches your interests, experience and skills.

Nothing! Any fees are worked out between Tiger Labor & Staffing and the employers we work with.

Stop by our office! You will be asked to provide your work history, interests and experience.

Come early – from 5:30 to 8:30 AM – we might even get you out on a same-day assignment. 

After you complete the application, we’ll talk to you about your skills, experience and what you’re looking for. 

Please bring your own PPE – hart hats, safety glasses, and steel toe boots – but we can provide if needed.

Read more details about our hiring process here.

Hey, not every job is right for everyone. We get it. But, it’s best if you can tough it out for the day and let us find you something different the next day.

We encourage open communication from our field employees, and they can expect the same from the Tiger Labor & Staffing office.

Stop by! Things are hopping in Baton Rouge. Work opportunities come up every day, but you’ve got to be there to get in the game. 

Get in touch and get to work.